The Open House Details

Surprise, the new Seahorse and Flamingo are in the house!  This is my second glassblower so his seahorse and flamingo are definitely different from the previous one, which I really like.  Fresh, new and different.  For the color of the seahorse, I went very beachy and I  love it! The cache pots will be at…

Whats up in SW Fla in June Gardens?

Of course these gloriosa lilies make me smile! I bought these bulbs at the Philly Flower Show and they are so showy Although June is getting so hot, this phalaenopsis decided now is the time. And it is just perfect with no inclusions on the leaves at all. When your orchids live outdoors here, you…

February In SW Florida COVID ’21

2021 has been an unusual season so far. Major topics of conversation range from the vaccines 1 and 2 (yes, we received ours) which outdoor restaurants have you gone to and are you cooking anything interesting? And then you hear, “anything else going on?” The answer is a flat “no.”So we all appear to be…

New Year, New You?

It’s the new year and we want it to be so full of promise since 2020 was anything but. So let’s just go with that positive thought! After our very hot Fall in Naples we are finally having some very welcome cool weather. 70’s to 50’s – really wonderful. Even the orchids are happy and…